love handles

美 [ˈlʌv hændlz]英 [ˈlʌv hændlz]
  • n.腰部赘肉
love handleslove handles


extra fat on a person's waist

  1. Exercise and eating nutritious6 foods in reasonable portions will shrink love handles long-term .


  2. The mirdle is used to suck , bind , restrain and hide love handles , muffin tops , moobs and other fatty areas of your torso .


  3. A review in the Journal of Obesity1 found that women who did high-intensity interval2 workouts burned more of the subcutaneous belly3 fat that causes love handles than women who exercised longer at a lower-intensity , steady pace .


  4. A : You 'd better lose those love handles fast .


  5. Thanks for watching video How To Get Rid Of Love Handles .


  6. I exercise every day , but I can 't get rid of these love handles .


  7. An entire subculture convinced that the meaning of happiness is no love handles .


  8. Don 't you need someone who looks past the love handles to notice the extraordinarily gorgeous you ?


  9. If you 're struggling to get rid of those love handles , then buy a scale and weigh yourself a few times a week .


  10. If your overall calorie count is within a healthy range , eating sugar is not going to create love handles or a jelly belly .


  11. I like the colored outlines , although next time I 'll probably use the watercolor tool to do his shirt so that does not look like he has love handles .


  12. Last night my wife laughed at me and said ," Bill , you 're getting love handles ! Better cut down on those big lunches you love to eat every day . "


  13. Love Handles are a build up of fatty deposits at the side of your hips so the first thing you need to think about if you are serious about doing something about them is your diet .


  14. Nogiri , the flower shop owner , entered a booth where he bared his midriff , exposing a flat stomach with barely discernible love handles .


  15. These 15 weird & wonderful shopping bag designs take the concept of " love handles " to a whole new level while consigning the basic , bland , brown bag to the boredom bin .


  16. In the body , white fat cells soak up calories and store them as fat - the dreaded type visible in pot bellies , love handles and wobbly thighs that is the enemy of dieters 。
